If a Picture is Worth 1,000 Words than a Movie is Worth....

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If a Picture is Worth 1,000 Words than a Movie is Worth....

If a Picture is Worth 1,000 Words than a Movie is Worth....

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 09:02 AM PDT

Have you heard the news? Have you seen it yet? Last week I produced my very first book trailer. Actually it is a teaser trailer. I plan to make at least two more; the next will also be a teaser trailer but will build upon this one. The last will be a full scale book trailer and I plan to release that one very near to my novel's release date. I got to be honest, I really enjoyed making this because of the creative freedom it provided. Like writing, you can allow your imagination run wild as you capture the aspects of your story you want to share. For example, every image in this video has meaning and shares insight to 'Born of Blood'.

Take a moment and check it out.

So why no script? I intentionally left off the script (except for the last two panels). I wanted this teaser trailer to tease your imagination and instill questions in your mind. I wanted to share portions of the book but also give the viewer the freedom to have fun and attempt to connect the dots. The next trailer will have a script as I pull the curtains back a little further on the story.

Yes, I wanted to build awareness about my novel but I also wanted to have a little fun as well. I did and I hope you have fun watching it. It is amazing to see the spin offs from our writing. Through our writing we now have the materials, tools, and developed skills to make videos, websites, blogs, posters...anything our imagination can dream up. Funny thing is, these things have always been inside us but writing gave it that much need voice and original outlet.

What do you think of my teaser trailer? What creative spin off has your writing unleashed? Feel free to give me your thoughts and opinions. I appreciate feedback; it will help with my next project.

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